Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Judith's Triumphant Return

I know I said a couple posts ago that I was feeling Grinch-y, and to be honest, I really wasn't feeling like putting up the Christmas tree at all this year. I even went so far as suggesting we clear off the coffee table and putting a tree-shaped candle holder on top and we could call it a day, but Jeff wasn't really keen on that idea. (In my defense - it was a great idea. Our coffee table is big and is on wheels, so if we cleared off the bottom, the presents could go under the table and we could wheel it wherever we wanted. No fuss, no mess, no rearranging of furniture...fool-proof!!)

When we returned from breakfast with Santa on Saturday, Jeff turned on the Christmas music and pulled our decorations out of the closet (again). He reminded me that Judith cheered me up last year, and that maybe she could do the same this year. I was skeptical at first, but then I was reminded that it was Pepper's first Christmas with us and he was having such fun running under the tree as we were decorating it (he eventually fell asleep on the tree skirt), and it turned into a really fun afternoon with my boys.

Our house is now Christmas-y...and I admit it, so am I. We even sat and wrote all of our Christmas cards when we were finished, go us!

Judith likes to survey the action from the middle of the room
Pepper's stocking is the biggest, Jeff's is the fullest and mine is the...prettiest?

Looks like this Grinch grew a heart after all.

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